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Specialty Diver Course of the Month- AWARE Coral Reef Conservation

AWARE Coral Reef Conservation
Project AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation

May PADI Specialty of the Month is AWARE Coral Reef Conservation. In continuing our PADI Specialty of the Month program, the featured specialty this month is actually a non-diving specialty. But it is time to learn about the environments that we like to dive in and how to best protect it. The AWARE Coral Reef Conservation program will help you learn about the importance of the reef ecosystems, appreciate the complexity of the habitats and most vitally teaches you how to protect them.

Who Can Take The AWARE Coral Reef Conservation Course?

Anyone who has an interest in the aquatic world can take this course. There are no prerequisites or age restrictions and no water sessions are required to earn this non-diving certification.

What Does the AWARE Coral Reef Conservation course cover?

  • How coral reefs function and the complex nature of life on a reef.
  • Why coral reefs are so important.
  • Why many coral reefs are in serious trouble.
  • What you can do to prevent further decline.
  • How the PADI AWARE Foundation unites divers and water enthusiasts to make a difference.

How do I Sign Up for the AWARE Coral Reef Conservation Course and Is There Any Preparation I Can Do?

To sign up for a course please click on the Book Now button below.

While there is no specific elearning for the AWARE Coral Reef Conservation course, the course references information in the digital manual – AWARE – Our World, Our Water – downloadable for free on the PADI Aware Foundation website. This is not a requirement but you could read the chapter on the coral reefs to get a head start on the course.

What Other Environmental Activities Can I Get Involved In to Protect Our Coral Reef?

At Ocean Tribe we try and do our bit by promoting responsible diving practices. We have monthly beach and underwater clean-ups on the first Saturday of every month which divers and non-divers alike are welcome to come down and help us protect the Diani ocean environment. We also combine these with a PADI Dive Against Debris Specialty course.

Other things you can do are enrol on a PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy program to help you get better buoyancy and avoid touching the reef. It will also help your dive trim and save your air as you learn about moving more efficiently through the water. Other environmentally minded PADI programs include Project AWARE and AWARE Fish Identification.

We also work with the Olive Ridley project local branch helping to monitor turtle activity on our coral reefs.

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