Site icon Scuba Dive Diani, Kenya

Do I have to complete my diving internship in one go?

diving internship

FAQ- Do I have to complete my diving internship in one go?

We understand that you might have arrangements that might not permit you to remain in one place for an extended period of time and as such we try to be as flexible as we can with the scuba diving internships.

If for any reason you want to schedule a gap in your scuba diving internship such as to return home for Christmas or go travelling around on your GAP year and then come back to complete the training, then it is surely possible to arrange this with us.

We do like to have as much notice as possible so that we can arrange it and certain events like the PADI IDC Instructor Development Course are only run at periodical times so you would need to check when you are scheduled to be taking this and plan accordingly.

You should also bear in mind that you will also need to log a certain amount of dives to qualify for certain ratings. These include:

Dive Course Pre-requisite Logged Dives

We can plan your internship with you to ensure that you meet these requirements. To be honest most interns leave with way more dives than the bare minimum required so this is not normally an issue. The dive center location on Kilifi creek and the fact that we can dive our house reef straight from shore means that you should find getting lots of diving in an easy task.

If you wish to schedule a break in your training for example to travel around the mainland Africa during your Gap year or going and doing other projects in-between then this is absolutely possible. The system can be adapted for you and our scuba diving internship coordinators will work with you to ensure hat you complete your training a a leisurely pace and have an enjoyable and worthwhile experience.

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