Site icon Scuba Dive Diani, Kenya

Do Your Full Face Mask Diver Course in Kenya

girls fiving oTS guardian full face mask

Ocean Tribe are delighted to announce that we now offer the PADI Full Face Mask Diver Course in Kenya. On this course you can learn to dive with a full face mask equipped with communications units, enabling you to communicate with your buddy or even the boat while submerged.

Full face mask diving is used for a number of reasons. These could be for example protection from the outer environment, such as contamination or extreme cold (it is often seen used in commercial and public safety diving in this function). Our Instructor Trainer Mark uses full face masks primarily for students with physiological considerations as the mask keeps a breathable airspace in front of a diver at all times. This has enabled Mark to take divers diving who might not have been able to accomplish it otherwise, such as quadruple amputee Daniel on his DDI Open Water Diver Course.

Proper use of communications to relay any problems combined with security of the five strap head harness system add a degree of safety not found in standard SCUBA equipment.

The main reason recreational divers like to take the full face mask diver course is the use of communications underwater. Ocean Tribe uses OTS (Ocean Technology Systems) Guardian full face masks, equipped with buddy phone underwater communications units. The microphone positioned inside the mask equipped with the earphone covering your ear, enables you to have full communications underwater. OTS Guardians have been used on numerous projects including Hollywood movies and wildlife documentaries by the underwater crews.

Obviously the reason for taking the PADI Full Face Mask Diver course is to learn how to safely operate the equipment with the different safety considerations and emergency procedures that apply when using the equipment.

The course can be completed in 1-2 days and incorporates a pool training dive where you become familiar using the mask in confined circumstances before we go out for 2 reef dives using the OTS Guardians.

The PADI Full Face Mask Diver rating can count towards your PADI Master Scuba Diver rating.It is open to Open Water Divers and above and a really rewarding course to take. Contact us at Ocean Tribe to book your PADI Full Face Mask Diver specialty course today.

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