Welcome to the Ocean Tribe diver registration page. Please select the section below that applies to you, to register for your diving activities at Ocean Tribe. Each required link will open in a new tab. All paperwork for each section must be completed prior to the start of dive activities. All divers must complete the diver registration pages. For releases individual ones must be filled out for adults and minors can be completed in bulk by a parent/guardian.
I am a Certified Diver Going on a Diving Trip
Please complete the diver registration and certified divers liability release below.
I am doing a PADI Open Water/ Scuba Diver Course
Please complete all of the registration documents below when you register for diving at Ocean Tribe. The email address used for registration should be the same one you use to create your PADI profile for elearning. Ocean Tribe will contact you if any further paperwork such as a medical from a physician is required.
I am doing a PADI Discover Scuba Diving Experience (Try Dive)
Please complete all of the registration documents below when you register for diving at Ocean Tribe. The email address used for registration should be the same one you use to create your PADI profile for elearning. Ocean Tribe will contact you if any further paperworjk such as a medical from a physician is required.