Dolphin Watching Safaris in Diani

Dolphin Watching Safaris in Diani

Ocean Tribe dolphin-watching safaris in Diani give everyone the opportunity to see dolphins, up-close and personal in their natural environment.

This is a completely different opportunity to those who have seen them in dolphinariums and theme parks such as SeaWorld. These are tiny swimming pools where the dolphins are expected to perform circus tricks in exchange for small fish scraps.

The ocean where the dolphins are supposed to be and our dolphin-watching safaris in Diani take you to dolphin hotspots. There we hope to be able to see dolphin pods on the surface and if conditions allow, and depending on swimming abilities, to get in the water with these awesome mammals.

In the open ocean, it is not unusual for a dolphin to swim up to 65km each day. They are also highly social animals with extremely advanced fishing techniques.


What Will I see on the Dolphin Watching Safari in Diani

The dolphin-watching safaris in Diani will take you up and down the Diani coastline trying to locate dolphin pods to give you a sighting of them. The boat ride in itself on our comfortable dolphin safari catamarans is a thrill as we go out over the outer reef of Diani and begin the dolphin-watching cruise.

Wild dolphins are sociable speedy ocean creatures. The experience you will get on your dolphin-watching safari in Diani really depends on them, and of course the weather and environmental conditions.

Dolphins do tend to be visible in the same locations for much of the year, however, our tours are only run during certain months to give you optimal viewing conditions and avoid choppy seas, wind, and rain. We rely on our skippers to decide whether a dolphin-watching tour goes ahead and the departure times and trip durations.

Species of Dolphin in Kenya

bottlenose dolphin

Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops aduncus)

The Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin is a species of bottlenose dolphin. This dolphin grows to 2.6 m long, and weighs up to 230 kg. It lives in the waters around India, northern Australia, South China, the Red Sea, and the eastern coast of Africa. Scientific name: Tursiops aduncus Family: Delphinidae Order: Artiodactyla Infraorder: Cetacea

Humpback Dolphin

Humpback Dolphin (Sousa plumbea)

Humpback dolphins are members of the genus Sousa. These dolphins are characterized by the conspicuous humps and elongated dorsal fins found on the backs of adults of the species. They are found close to shore along the coast of West Africa and right along the coast of the Indian Ocean from South Africa to Australia. Class: Mammalia Genus: Sousa; Gray, 1866

Spinner Dolphin

Spinner Dolphin (Stenella longirostris)

The spinner dolphin is a small dolphin found in off-shore tropical waters around the world. It is famous for its acrobatic displays in which it rotates around its longitudinal axis as it leaps through the air. It is a member of the family Delphinidae of toothed whales. Scientific name: Stenella longirostris Mass: 23 – 79 kg (Adult) Order: Artiodactyla Family: Delphinidae Phylum: Chordata Kingdom: Animalia

Reasons to Go on a Dolphin Watching Safari in Diani

  • You wish to understand more about dolphins and dolphin behaviour. Wild dolphins in their natural environment are so far removed from captive dolphins, you will get a much better glimpse into their lives, habitat, and behaviour.
  • You have been excited about dolphins forever. This is finally your chance to see a dolphin in the wild. From watching Flipper movies to National Geographic documentaries, everyone has their reasons to want to see wild dolphins. This is your chance.
  • This is the chance to see an animal that is considered by some to have the near-intelligence capacity of humans. That being said whether they are really talking to each other with clicks and squeaks, or whether they are as intelligent as perceived, seeing dolphins in the wild on the dolphin-watching safaris in Diani will really change your perception of all animals being ‘dumb’.

If you are expecting dolphins to be jumping through hoops and doing tricks for you, then you are going to be disappointed. These dolphins are wild animals in their habitat, so obviously pick and choose what they are going to do. That being said we often get the opportunity to see dolphins being playful so there is always a chance of seeing some fun.

Don’t be expecting too many photo opportunities as these are fast-moving streamlined cetaceans. By the time you have pointed your camera at a jumping dolphin, it will probably be gone. Just relax and enjoy the experience. If there is a chance to get photographs of the dolphins then our crew will be taking them too and these will be available for purchase following the trip.

Dolphin-Watching Safari Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a dolphin watching safari in Diani last?

The duration of a dolphin-watching safari in Diani depends entirely on the regularity of sightings, environmental conditions, and the Captain and crew. Trips typically have been lasting 2-3 hours but can be shorter than that if you get lucky quickly.

What should I bring on a dolphin watching safari in Diani?

  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Water bottle (You can fill this up free at our water sports base before we leave)
  • Swimsuit
  • Camera/Phone with waterproof protection(These are taken on board at your own risk and Ocean Tribe will not be responsible for their misplacement or water damage)
  • Sun protection such as t-shirts/ kikoi (sarongs) and towels. The sun can get mighty strong at sea.

On board we will provide fruit and snacks during the adventure and another water bottle filling facility.

Can I swim with the dolphins?

The opportunity to swim with dolphins in Diani is one that is dreamed of by many people as part of their dolphin-watching experience.

On Ocean Tribe dolphin-watching experiences, we occasionally can offer the opportunity to get in the water and swim with the dolphins. This will only be when the guide and crew can see that the dolphins are at ease. A distressed dolphin pod will disappear immediately, which will quickly ruin the experience for the whole tour group.

Conditions for being able to get in the water and swim with the dolphins are:

  • Accomplished swimmer, easily able to maintain yourself on the water.
  • Groups of swimmers will be limited in size to avoid distressing the animals too much.
  • Swimmers enter the water at their own risk.

While swimming with dolphins, never approach them or touch them. If you are having a super lucky day then the curious dolphins might move close to you (and some might even start showing off). Remember this is their territory not yours. Nothing is guaranteed and we are not there to upset the balance of the eco system just to observe. Relax and enjoy the experience.

Are dolphin sightings guaranteed?

While we have experienced and knowledgable crews and tour leaders on our dolphin-watching safaris in Diani with solid success rates in tracking the local dolphin pods, dolphin sightings can never be guaranteed 100%. After all, these are wild-elusive animals who are not running to a theme park schedule or your particular timings.

That being said, when we do find dolphins on dolphin-watching safaris, there are often likely to be many other species of marine life in the same area. This can include porpoises, turtles, seabirds, larger big game fish, and more.

If you don’t happen to see any dolphins on your dolphin-watching safari in Diani we will give you another chance to come back and try again at no additional charge. It is the natural world so it doesn’t always cooperate with us. But after all, you did come to see dolphins on our boat so if it doesn’t happen, you have the chance to come back for a second time and try again.

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