Take a Sidemount Diver course in Kenya.

Normal scuba diving involves carrying a single cylinder on your back. This is back mount diving. Sidemount diving is simply a configuration where the tanks are arranged on your sides rather than your back. Sidemount diving can be used in sport, technical, and overhead environment diving and was originally developed by cave divers.

Unlike back mount diving, sidemount divers often dive with two tanks attached in the water which can make gearing up easier. The tanks are attached to the diver’s harness with bungees or straps which can be easily removed or adjusted while diving.

In technical diving where multiple cylinders often have to be carried some believe that it is easier when using sidemount. You can move onto the SSI Technical Sidemount Diver course from the SSI Recreational Sidemount Course to learn how to mount at least 4 tanks for tech diving.

Sidemount diving is becoming increasingly popular around the world and is one of SSI’s best-selling specialty diver courses.


The course takes 3 days with some Digital Learning to be completed in advance. This includes the pool training and ocean dives plus a free sidemount fun dive.


Sidemount Diver is open to those who are 15 years old+ and certified who have completed the Open Water Diver course or equivalent rating from another organisation.


  • SSI Recreational Sidemount Digital Learning
  • All dive equipment, including air fills and weights
  • Fruit, water and snacks on the boat
  • Pool training session
  • 3 training dives with an SSI Instructor
  • 1 fun dive
  • Transfers within Diani


Recreational Sidemount Diver is offered daily at Ocean Tribe. Live availability can be found via contacting us via WhatsApp / Phone or by checking the online booking calendar to book online.


All dive course participants must meet medical questionnaire requirements to be able to dive on the course. Some conditions or medications may prevent you from diving. Visit the Can I Dive page to see if you meet the requirements before booking.


Sidemount Diver Course


Sidemount Prep for Tec package




Ok, there is some SSI Digital Learning to complete as part of the knowledge development section of the SSI Recreational Sidemount Diver Course. During this and workshops with your SSI Instructor, you will learn about the theory of sidemount diving, as well as the gear configurations and equipment options that are available to you. You will also be introduced to

  • Emergency procedures whilst sidemount diving
  • Benefits, and drawbacks of sidemount diving
  • Proper sidemount diving gas management
  • Buoyancy Control

SSI ’s cutting-edge digital learning leads the world in diver education and enables you to complete the knowledge development in the comfort of your own home. You can take notes in the app to discuss with your SSI Instructor any concepts that you don’t understand. Assessment of learning is done via quick reviews at the end of every section in the online learning, which you must get correct to proceed so it’s sure you understand


The SSI Recreational sidemount course practical part includes both confined and open water diver training. You will learn about the setup and donning of sidemount gear and then perform the following skills and exercises in the water

  • Emergency procedures
  • Equipment assembly and adjustment
  • Entry and exit with sidemount
  • Gas management
  • Buoyancy control
  • Underwater navigation on sidemount
  • Regulator Recovery


We will go by boat out to local coral reefs and wrecks which are suitable for conducting the training dives.

You will make 3 open water dives on Sidemount over 1 or 2 days as part of the course following mastering the techniques in the pool.

Once all performance requirements have been met by you with regards to elearning, and confined and open water dives you will be issued with an SSI Recreational Sidemount Diver certification, indicating that you are qualified to use sidemount gear and dive a sidemount configuration. (the last dive can be a free fun dive where you can put your new skills to use).


Your SSI Open Water Diver course will take place on the main coral reefs and wreck of Diani on the selected dive sites of the day.


Prerequisites and Forms
  • Minimum age 10
  • When enrolling in a recreational diving certificate you must complete the following self-assessed medical declaration form before starting your training. If you answer yes to any of the health questions, you will need to bring the completed form with you to your physician to recieve a physician’s letter/medical clearance before you start your course.
What to Bring
  • Hat
  • Swimsuit
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses
  • Towel
  • Water Bottle

  • Camera Hire
  • Snacks and Beverages
  • T Shirt and Memorabilia
Do I need to be able to swim to scuba dive?

A question that we are constantly asked at Ocean Tribe is “Do I need to be able to swim to scuba dive?”. This is a more complicated answer than a simple yes or no, as it really depends on the experience you are looking to have.

If you are after getting your Open Water Diver licence or any other scuba diving certification then the straight answer in yes. On the entry level Open Water Diver and Scuba Diver courses there are swim and floating tests that you need to be able to accomplish in order to earn the dive certification. On the Open Water courses this is a 200m swim and a 10 minute tread or float.

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