How Should I Prepare for My SSI ITC- What Should I Do?

Being properly ready for your ITC will make it so much easier to complete in a stress-free manner and enable you to go to the IE all set. Below we include the best way to prepare for your SSI ITC including:

  • The study that be completed by you.
  • Digital Learning
  • Dive theory you should get familiar with via the SSI Science of Diving and other specialty programs
  • SSI materials to study.

First Steps to Prepare for Your SSI ITC

– Study your SSI Science of Diving Digital Learning and answer questions in the app. You can also use our dedicated IDC Learning Centre. This has informative videos, tips, and quizzes to help you prepare your dive theory. On booking the ITC you will receive access to our Online Classroom which has further preparation aids.

  • Dive planning and environmental considerations
  • Dive physics (e.g., buoyancy, pressure, gas laws)
  • Dive physiology (e.g., decompression sickness, narcosis)
  • Dive equipment
  • Decompression theory and dive tables/computers

Complete SSI Instructor Training Course Digital Learning

The digital learning component provides access to comprehensive training materials anytime, anywhere. It includes interactive lessons on dive theory, teaching techniques, and safety procedures. You’ll find videos, quizzes, and knowledge reviews to reinforce learning. This self-paced approach allows you to study at your convenience and be well-prepared for practical sessions. You need to complete this before the ITC to best prepare yourself.

Practice Your Dive Skills to Presentation Level

As an SSI Instructor, you will be required to demonstrate skills very slowly. This is so that the key attributes of the skill are easy to see and exaggerated.You should practice the following skills as much as possible to get them to demonstration level. SSI tips for this can be found in our online learning center and the Scuba Skills Review in the SSI Digital Learning on the SSI app.

  1. Equipment Assembly
  2. Buddy Check
  3. Deep Water Entry
  4. Buoyancy Check
  5. Regulator Clearing
  6. Regulator Retrieval
  7. Snorkel to regulator exchange 
  8. Partially flooded mask
  9. Fully Flooded Mask
  10. Mask remove and replace
  11. No mask breathing 
  12. Free-flow regulator breathing
  13. Neutral buoyancy Diving Position LPI
  14. Neutral buoyancy Diving Position Oral
  15. 5 Point descent
  16. 5 Point ascent
  17. Emergency Swimming Ascent
  18. Emergency Buoyant Ascent
  19. Remove and Replace Equipment on the surface
  20. Remove and Replace Equipment underwater
  21. Remove and replace weight system on the surface
  22. Remove and replace weight system underwater
  23. Unconscious diver on the surface
  24. Surfacing an unresponsive diver
  25. Reciprocal compass heading
  26. Exiting the unresponsive diver
  27. Rigging and using a lift bag
  28. Panicking diver on the surface. Surface approach
  29. Panicking diver on the surface. Underwater approach
  30. Panicking diver underwater