eco friendly divers water bottles

eco-friendly diver water bottleHere at Ocean Tribe we are trying to make an effort to be eco-friendly divers. As well as good role-model behaviour and encouraging good buoyancy and dive practices underwater and on land we are also trying to be eco-friendly divers right down to the products we use. For a while we have stopped using single-use plastic water bottles and now offer a metal, reusable water bottle for every diver who dives with Ocean Tribe.

The water bottle can be filled at the dive centre before going on the dive trip to ensure you have enough water to stay hydrated and then have a great useful souvenier of your dives with Ocean Tribe, following your dive trip or PADI dive course.

The bottles are equipped with interchangeable lids. One is a quick release top which is useful when you are doing sports or want to be able to get your water quickly and not splash too much. The other is a screw top lid when you wish to be able to access the water more easily. There is also a clip to attach it to your dive bag or rucksack.

Hopefully these actions will encourage our divers to use the bottles repeatedly rather than opting for a single-use disposable plastic bottle which will end up on a landfill or mroe worryingly as litter. The more we can do to have less plastic in the ocean, the better it will be.

What other things can I do to make myself a more eco-friendly diver?

  1. Perfect your buoyancy. The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy course is a great way to fine-tune your buoyancy skills and ensure you are not in danger of harming the reef or making uncontrillable ascents through poor buoyancy. It is great fun and a vital skill for protecting the environment. It also can aid with your air consumption if you are not constatnlyn trying to adjust your buyancy and wasting energy. A great program to take and having good buoyancy is something all eco-friendly divers should aspire to.
  2. Streamline your Equipment- Using appropriate clips and pockets to make sure you don’t drag anything on the reef is also a great way to be an eco-friendly diver and makes you have less drag in the water and thus an easier dive.
  3. Pick up any litter you see underwater. This is a vital role of all divers and you should carry a net bag to be able to retrieve and dispose of any rubbish you find underwater. Additionally when you can, participate in beach and underwater clean ups to help keep our marine environment a clean place and safe for marine life.
  4. Get a Project AWARE certification card. Project AWARE takes action to create both local and global change for the ocean and the communities who depend on it. Their local actions collectively protect the most vulnerable marine species and decrease pollution. We work together for a clean, healthy ocean – and we have fun doing it! A small donation of $15 or more can help Project AWARE protect the ocean and also gets you the choice of some awesome PADI Project AWARE certifcation cards.